Friday, November 20, 2009

Fall..... Fall?.....oh... Autumn

Oh my god the colour in this place right now is insane. The leaves are turning and falling and there is a range of 20 different colours the leaves are taking - red, orange, brown, yellow. It's like an amazing warm cosy rainbow of colours. The city seems to suit this season, the buildings/apartment housing (called brown stones and also called walk ups) totally suit the environment as if the buildings had literally grown out from the ground and stand old and tall like the trees themselves. The concrete stairs (called stoops - and often people have little stoop sales instead of garage sales - cute - sorry I'm digressing.... back to it) are covered in moss and gates and window rims are curly, twisting wrought iron which match perfectly together with the twisty turny branches of the trees. Both look like they are poised in dance together. Plants and greenery creep between cracks, holding strong position, the trees often push the pathways up making the journey for the walker (and his dog because everyone who is anyone has one) like a small roller coaster ride. The fallen leaves cover the path in a carpet of crunchy fire, however be careful when it's been raining the carpet turns from crunch to sludge very quickly and if you are not careful you may very well slip... arse over tit.

People totally get into the season with the pagan traditions we now know as halloween. Specially made small narley little pumpkins line peoples window sills, and straw and coloured corn pods make wreaths for doors or are tied to banisters of stoops. Larger pumpkins with cut out faces sit on the stoop steps looking like fat happy little men (I think they are supposed to be scary faces but they are way too cute for that) however over the 2 weeks we have been here - those happy fat men have begun to look like sad fat men as time has caused them to droop and has changed their smiles to frowns. People have also gone to a wonderful effort of also hanging skulls and skeletons and spider webs all around making every few metres of every street an amazing sight to behold.

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