Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Heat of the day

Yes I am aware that this is a post in the present, about the present and that USA stuff will still follow it and I am all out of sync. I never said I was a good blogger - no doubt I am the worst on the planet - i really have no idea what I'm doing and I only have one follower anyway.... hey Prue....

Today was hot and weird, we began it with (well according to twitter an explosion and it kills me to think that we now rely on continuous status updates but some douche bag to find out what the hell is going on.... back to the story lex, oh yeah right) an explosion in Richmond killing the power across the suburb. I think the killer was the fact that none of us had yet popped down to our local and got coffee yet. Anyway it was all very weird - does anyone actually know what the hell actually happened?

I went for a run today - the weirdest thing happened as I was running I saw 2 cars on the road coming towards me one of them was going normal speed the other was angrily speeding and took the normal speed car over with such force on the inside - at the point of passing the car they were actually also passing me who was on the path. As the car passed me it felt as if a hole had been ripped out of my lower belly - a perfect circle - i could feel the edges of it and everything and with the sensation came this odd injection of emotion - an overflow of anger, nervousness, stress, sadness - a bubbling, boiling injection of negativity that bubbled speedily through my body to the point of making my hands and feet feel limp with pins and needles as if the emotion had eaten through my muscles - I had to stop regain control - the feeling of the hole was hard to fill. Weird.

So anyway I am traveling through the city on my bike this afternoon - I had a few things to pick up for my show on New Years before I needed to meet Gab at Dumpling House. I had been given free tickets to the MSO at Hamer Hall. As I'm walking my bike through the city I pass a nerd, a neo nerd, the new look going on at the moment that is raping Melbourne to the point of ridiculousness. so ok it's bad enough that everyone has popped along to their local optometrist and failed on purpose only to skip happily out to the showroom to pick out the biggest rimmed glasses to the point where the bottom of the frames is almost in line with the persons lips. And I am not saying some people aren't looking cute with this look some fellas and chickies are pulling it right off with super cuteness. But today I passed a dude wearing a cap with a plastic helicopter propeller thingy attached to the top of it - and with Melbourne's wind the thing was spinning round so ferociously it looked like it may just pop off and land in someone's eye (except that everyone is fortunate enough to be protected by giant sized spectacles) I tried to give this dude the benefit of the doubt thinking - on his was to a dress up party for sure - it's xmas time - possible - nup this dude was for REAL. sigh. There is nothing but regret there and I feel slightly awkward having to pass him.

I think it is funny that people attend cultural events like the orchestra because people think it's the right thing to do. It's more for a tick in a box that requires a certain amount of ticks to be officially labeled a white collar upper class dweller of somewhere like Tookrak - what's that? Oh of course we would include Malvern, quite acceptable. Then you look around when it gets dark and everyone around you has settled in for the weekly two hour snooze to classical music. One dude woke up with such surprise from the applause from the first piece. And there was a little old man 2 rows in front (I like to think his name was Hubert) with a balding head in the shape of a gnarled turnip with 2 big dried apricots stuck out to each side for his ears - At the end of each piece he would say something to the person who brought him (dragged him?.... Either way), so loud yet so inaudible and most likely so inappropriate - he made me smile.

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