(I know it's slightly egocentric, but it's my blog and I'm doing it anyway)
My Top 10 Childhood Memories in chronological order - probably answering all your questions as to why I am the person I am today.
1) Feathered Encounters
Two years of age (That's right this is my first memory and my mother is quite impressed with the level of correct detail) I had been taken to the easter show, Im presuming where I had been taken was, in fact, the easter show. In any case I knew I had been somewhere exciting and fun and I was hoarding a collection of goodies to show for it. Except as I sifted through the items in which was probably the millionth audit of newly acquired possessions I realised something was indeed missing: My coloured foil windmill with the yellow handle. You know those windmills made of sparkly foil paper, that when you blow on them all the colours merge into a big blob keeping a toddler interested for hours. I went on a hunt to find it and peered out the window towards the car from where we had come - bingo - there it was lying innocently on the ground. I must have made a dash out of an open front door, down the steps of the stoop and onto the driveway where the car was parked. My windmill was within a hands reach, however as I reached out to pick it up I realised I wasn't alone. I looked up and there ahead of me was a feathered creature of gigantic proportions, its giant claws scratched threateningly on the ground and its beak snapped - this was the end I was to be eaten alive by this death winged creature. Screams and tears were cascading from me before I even knew it and frantic parents rushed out, only to stop in their tracks, stare and then burst into fits of laughter (I was not impressed by this reaction and now I think back and am impressed that at the age of 2 I already knew how to be unimpressed - clearly why it's been the default reaction of my life)
Oh PS this monster turned out to be a chicken and ironically it got eaten in the end by the neighbours and thankfully I remained in one piece.
2) Jealousy
3 years - first day at kindy - I met my childhood best friend Sarah, however the first time I met her I despised her as she walked aloofly onto the astro-turf and hopped onto some play equipment (the type of play equipment that is now banned because it's now actually deemed too dangerous for children to play on - no wonder children are so soft these days.**) Sarah was sporting the latest hair design of a full curved to the head fishbone braid and sporting pink and white reflector velcro sneakers - god dammit she was cool - I hated her and at the same time desperately wanted to be her friend, cool by association. I knew from that early moment I would never make the grade with the latest fashions and reach true uber coolness - I was served a cold wet dish of reality from the ripe old age of 3. Still Sarah turned out to be a nice girl and we became friends, plus a couple of weeks later her mum cut all her hair off to look like a boy because of nits so that cut her down a peg or two.
** We used to go to pottery classes in the school holidays and there was an old wooden circular bench (like a really simple carousel) that you would push around and it would spin and it had section like a pie, each section would hold a couple of kids and you would hold onto the metal bars so to not fall off. We would get as many kids on as possible and spin that thing so fast and the last kid still holding on won. We also used to have a treated pine pyramid that was at least 5 or 6 metres high - that many a kid owes there first broken arm to. Needless to say both these super fun playthings no longer exist.
3) Pink Undies
5 years of age - some of the participants of this memory still refuse that it happened but there is enough of us to know that it did. We were in kindergarten, the very first year of primary school and in fact we were only a couple of months into it. We had a teacher called Mrs Moosung (I think she still teachers at my old school - thats 24 years ago!) she had just nipped out of the kinder yellow classroom for a minute (probably to have a ciggie or something) Anyway we were told to sit still and wait, of course the minute she left, we all went mental. One of the girls called Sarah said I bet you can't guess what colour my undies are. Yellow a girl called Melissa yelled, White I chimed, purple Alanna shouted. All received shakes to the head so of course this turned into all of us trying to lift each others skirts up to see the colours and basically each others undies, then out of nowhere Emily jumped up and said these are my undies and pulled her pink knickers down to her ankles and did a jig - cue Mrs Moosung. We all got sent to the headmistresses office. Emily went first and came back in tears, I was horrified and petrified of my turn, I was so scared when I was actually in there that I burst into hysterical laughter, the headmistress was ok though and I was just told off and sent back to class.
Still the ordeal had made me so embarrassed and mortified that I didn't admit it to my mother until I was in year 6.
4) wet carpet
Year 1 and I was 6 years old. My teacher was Mrs Couch and she was frightening, she had a booming voice and smacked us when we were naughty (back in the days when this was ok) But she also made us massage her feet and play with her hair when she read us stories. One day she kept us back in class even after the lunch bell had gone and I had been desperate for the toilet, and wet my pants - unfortunately this also made a little wet patch on the carpet. When she told us to get up and line up to go outside, she noticed it and pointed her foot at the patch and boomed "who did this" I was so scared I never said anything. I also didn't say anything because I knew what happened to little girls who wet their pants at school - they were sent to Mrs Kernig, the nurse and were forced to wear a boys uniform for the rest of the day and then you got teased by the other kids
This is the first time I have ever told the story.
5) The School Yard (Various Memories)
We used to play He-man and Sheera in the playground at lunch. If a boy bought you a super dooper (which was a long thin fruit ice block) that means he likes you and if you took it that means you were girlfriend/boyfriend and that was considered gross. Once my friend Emily and I had a fight at lunch and she said that she wished I would die at an early age. Not dead yet. We are still friends. Alexia: One, Emily: zero. The school canteen. You would always approach them with the sentence "how much can I get with this much?" [array of coins dumped onto the counter]. They served us carob and ovaltinies instead of chocolate: we were extremely naive. Every band morning my mother would drop me earlier at school, for band practice (my mum wanted me to play the clarinet and I hated it) - I spent a lot of mornings in the mural weather shed, and at the concerts I pretended to play (I've never told my mother this).
6) Learning does stay
Year 3 and I was 11 years old - I had to do an assignment on Platypuses and Echidnas - they are both monotremes - this means they only have one hole..... for everything. Snap.
7)Raptors in the dark
One of my closest family friends Jess was a little younger than me in school but outside of school we did a lot together, everything in fact, a lot of memories live in the lap of my mate Jess. We used to go for walks at 7.30pm every night - I would watch Home and Away at 7pm and then re-tell Jess the episode while we were walking (I don't even know why? I think she may have enjoyed the way I told the story better than watching it herself) Anyway my fondest memory with Jess was with my sister and her brother Jordan. It must have been around the time of Jurrasic Park because this is how we knew about Raptors. Basically whilst the parents were chatting in the other room over dinner we would play the game raptors in the dark. Simple Premise. Someone was the raptor, the others were getting away from Raptor, we all had to crawl on the floor (around the couches etc) and it was all done in the dark. Basically it was just a way to scare the beejeezus out of ourselves, just the silent anticipation of a raptor behind you in the dark set you off into a frenzy of screams, which in turn led to more screaming from others and so on. the adrenalin rush was sensational.
8) And Action......
From very early on people were aware of my dramatic tendencies - I wore one glove around the place in honour of Michael Jackson, Wore my hair like Cyndi Lauper. I had a habit of encouraging (ok... forcing) the children that belonged to the guests that came over for dinner to do a play, dance, song, whatever was taking my fancy at the time and we would perform it for the parents at the end of the nights proceedings. I was a hideous, nazi-like director and everything had to be done perfectly and my way. I was known to fire children from the stage and cause them to cry. We actually have a tape that I recorded, which was me pretending to record a radio station program and I fire one of the children on the recording because she is not doing the voice properly and then she runs off to tell her mum - snitch. In this interview I also run a secret sound competition which was a nose blowing into a tissue and interview a person with the name Led Zepplin - I was an idiot.
9) First Crush
He arrived in year 5 and had the attitude of a kid with a dirty past. I heard he burnt down his last school. Wow. He was a rough, handsome, delinquent. And I spent many a night in my room fantasising about him holding my hand, kissing me, telling me that he loved me, wanting him to ask me to be his girlfriend. He was dreamy. I would go parties and desperately hope that his spin of the bottle would land on me. In the end he chose Anita Palmer as his girlfriend because she peaked early with puberty and had the biggest boobs for a 10 year old, you have ever seen (some say her mother sent her to the doctor for jabs to bring puberty on early....... tramp.)
His name was Robert Doyle.
Apparently now...... he is a total bogan.
10) For the Kingdom, Power and Glory
So I kind of need to mention this because it took up a lot of my childhood life and will explain why I am so anti it now. My mother allowed my friend parents to take me to church. Now I'm not really sure why she did this - It was possible that I had wanted to go, I'm not sure - that I can't remember. I guess my mother had the trust in me that I would eventually work it all out in my own head and make my own decisions about things. I was taken to a CLC church - this stood for Christian Life Centre which was eventually to be become part of the Hillsong family (yup). It was one of those churches that played rock music and the paster wore a Madonna mic and pranced up and down the stage theatrically to do a sermon. He got to the point where he asked people to come down to the front if you wanted to open your life up to jeebus. I was taken down, and a gazillion hands (people I knew as well as strangers) were thrust upon every part of my body and head. To the side of me I could see others in the same position who had started convulsing, their eyes were rolling in the back of their head and they fell to the ground and started yelling in tongues (this apparently is the holy spirit entering your body) I was freaking terrified and not only that I felt like a failure, because I didn't feel even remotely groggy or affected by these violating hands, let alone whacked out by some spirit and in the end the hands just pushed me to the floor. It was ridiculous and no one answered your questions sensibly, only with fairytales that were unsubstantiated and most of the time you were being told how much of a shit person you were amongst a larger group of shit people and the only thing we had left was god. It was theatrical to say the least - possibly why I was attracted in the first place.
Now I believe in science.
But I don't want to leave this with such a cold note so I will tell you that one time in Sunday school we were drawing on the blackboard and at the same time were also given kit kats to eat - so there I was in my element, Chalk in one hand, kit kat in the other - you can tell where this is going...... jeebus made me eat chalk.... I hate jeebus.